Our motto is to offer an ACE service and by this we mean Accuracy Continuity Efficiency. These are vital aspects of bookkeeping and we would like to highlight the importance to you and show our existing and potential clients that they should accept nothing less from their bookkeeping service.
When it comes to your finances, ensuring that no stone is unturned and that every transaction is accounted for needs to be a priority. Of course we need to ensure that we are claiming for all expenses which you are entitled to, to keep your tax return to a minimum but we also need to show compliance. Accurate bookkeeping ensures that you are aware of your financial status in real time, by keeping on top of your transactions on a regular basis means that nothing is forgotten or misplaced. Good record keeping will allow your business to be in control and make decisions promptly and also shows investors that you are a worthy business. Accuracy of your accounts avoids unnecessary charges and late payment fees, we support you to stay in control and save as much money as possible.
A good bookkeeper will have processes in place to follow which will ensure your bookkeeping is consistent as well as accurate. We like our clients to know exactly what they are getting from us, offering a transparent service and maintaining continuity. When choosing your bookkeeper you should ask them if they have a Continuity of Practice Engagement (COPE) in place. This will guarantee that if anything were to happen to your bookkeeper, for example they become ill resulting in long term absence, incapacity or death (yes I know it sounds harsh) then your service would not be interrupted. It may sound like a grim subject to broach but it’s important that your finances aren’t put in jeopardy as this could have a detrimental effect on the everyday running of your business.
You want your business to run efficiently, right?! Yes of course you do, but not only is that in your hands it’s in ours too. If you need to make decisions quickly to ensure the smooth running of your business then you need accurate reporting to enable you to make that decision. We use Xero cloud accounting to give you ‘real time’ information on your financial status. We also use Dext to guarantee that no expenses are missed. Dext and Xero integrate with each other to give maximum efficiency which means we can offer you an Accounting Eco System that will grow with your business. It’s about having the right software and the right team behind you to help you achieve an efficient and successful business.
If you’re currently doing your own bookkeeping and feel out of your depth, or your current bookkeeper isn’t offering you an ACE service, then please book a call with me. I would love to help you to achieve Accuracy, Continuity and Efficiency in your business.